By Ajay Ray
Overview of Power BI Embed Report
Power BI embedded allows you to embed your Power BI reports, dashboards and tiles, in a web application or in a website.
Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to embed Power BI reports using the “Publish to web” feature: Steps to Embed a Power BI Report
3. Admin Approval (If needed):
If you receive below notification, it means you need to contact your Power BI Tenant Admin for additional configuration.
Steps to be followed for configuration are explained ahead
4. Admin Portal Settings (If required): i. In the Power BI Service, click on “Settings.”
ii. Under “Governance and insights,” select “Admin Portal.”
5. Tenant Settings: i. In the Admin Portal, choose “Tenant Settings.”
ii. Scroll down to “Export and sharing settings.”
iii. Click on the “Public to Web” option.
iv. Ensure the slide toggle button is enabled (if not, enable it).
v. Click “Apply”.
6. Wait for Tenant Settings Update:
Wait for approximately 15 minutes for the Tenant Settings to take effect.
7. Check Tenant Access: i. Go back to the Power BI Service.
ii. Open a report.
iii. Click on the “File” menu.
iv. Select “Embed Report”.
v .Choose “Publish to web (public)”.
vi. Click “Continue” if prompted.
8. Confirm and Create Embed Code:
i. Review the warning about making your data public.
ii. Click “Select Publish.”
iii. A dialog box will appear with a link and an embed code. Copy either the link or
the embed code.
9. Share or Embed the Report: i. Share the link directly with colleagues.
ii. Alternatively, use the embed code to embed the report in a website or blog by pasting it into the HTML.
Note - This basic embedded feature does not support RLS (Row-Level Security) and other security features. Only public data can be published.